Episode 5 - Workforce of the Future

May 18, 2020
Hosted by John Schultz

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Episode Description

According to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) - US Manufacturers is already in the midst of a Skills Crisis that will just continue to grow over the next decade. Vacant positions that cost real GDP growth, longer time to fill, ever increasing mismatch of worker skills versus business need are the new normal. The Brookings Institution published a findings in December 2019 that laid out the 6 Step End to End RESKILLING Journey. Join me and my 3 guests tackle this Journey from 3 very unique perspectives - social responsibility, employer responsibility and personal responsibility.

Bootlegged Innovations

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

Bootlegged Innovations provides insight and guidance to executives with courage to unlock hidden value in their enterprise. We bridge the gap between the needs of the business and the ability of the workforce to execute in a secure and resilient environment. The goals of the show are to create materials and assets that can be further leveraged in the market place, become the go to source for executives with courage that have the foresight to understand that they must continuously disrupt and evolve to address the needs of the business to “Make More, Break Less and Didn’t Spend,” and Shine a spotlight on the need for society and organizations to have a K to Grey strategy for continuous workforce development through continuous task qualification and micro-credentials.

John Schultz

I am a first-generation college grad (double majored in Mechanical Engineering and Economics) and entrepreneur that is a rag to riches story that people connect with. After graduation, I went to work for a Fortune 100 company in the Pharmaceutical industry. I became their first Reliability Engineer at the age of 22 and their Global Reliability Leader at the age of 25, before leaving to start my own company at the age of 29. I have helped start nearly every global best practice organization in the area of best practices for operational and reliability excellence and have keynoted dozens of conferences. We built the company that I founded at the age of 29 into the dominant voice in the reliability space with over 500 global employees. That company has done projects across 16 industry verticals in over 60 countries and with nearly 40 percent of the Fortune 1000.

I have successfully reinvented myself every three years of my entire adult life. While I am still regarded as one of the top reliability experts in the world, I also lead the digital transformation of my company. This has resulted in me becoming highly regarded in the emerging spaces of IoT, Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality, Machine Learning, Edge, Cloud, Hybrid, Cyber and more.

The new company that we are launching, Bootleg Advisors, has a truly unique business model that will unlock hidden value for Executives with the Courage to go on the journey with us.

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