An Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Teardown - Our Covid Story?

June 18, 2021
Hosted by Barb Crowley

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Today we’re going to talk about having a very full and fast paced life, working our plan, running around like our hair is on fire one day and then next, completely stopped and locked down in our homes for a year. Does this sound familiar? This is our Covid story. All of us, in one way or another, are coming out of the last year wondering what our lives are all about, why we are doing what we are doing, and do we want to do this. Isn’t there more, or something different, or something? Many of us are feeling lost, the rug has been pulled out from under us. Where to from here? We are so lucky to have ZofiaRennea Morales with us today because she lived this journey a few years ago and, looking in the rearview mirror now, can share her experience of rebirth into a totally different and more authentic life. Zofia was living the dream. She was totally right brained---a biophysicist, into science and computers, and had a high powered career, loving husband, properties, adventure, friends, and like so many of us before covid, was moving at the speed of light. Her life came to an abrupt halt leading to a desperate re-evaluation. This is so relevant to us today because, through covid lockdowns, our lives came to an abrupt halt leaving many of us lost and questioning the direction and meaning of our own lives. I’m going to ask ZofiaRennea to join us and go back to the beginning, when she knew who she was, what she wanted and where she was going. Right before the universe told her otherwise. We’ll have her bring us through her journey and share her roadmap so we can find hope and inspiration of how to deal with our ‘re-awakening’ into our new life and our new worlds.

Metaphysics: A View Through The Veil

Friday at 1 PM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

This show is about how Metaphysics is available to everyone and is in everyone’s normal life. We unravel the mysteries behind Metaphysics, how to use it to have a deeper understanding and an advantage in life. I offer access to the understanding, recognition, use, advantage and fun of Metaphysics and share what I have learned and seen through the Veil, to have it work for people and in the world. We invite guests to expand our view and interaction with life and the other side, what we perceive through our five senses and what we subtly perceive through all of our other senses, the seen and the unseen. Join me every Friday at 1 PM Pacific Time and 4 PM Eastern Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.

Barb Crowley

Early on, Barb shut down her gifts to fit in but always brought the information through in time of need. Barb described this early approach as “actively psychic in spurts” and used it during her business career in the NYC Corporate world and later when running her own business in Colorado.

With training, Barb learned to be proactive in controlling the sheer volume of information that was coming to her. Years later, Barb blended her years of study, practice, life and business pragmatism into a step by step framework in applying practical Metaphysics. Instead of arbitrary “psychic hits,” Barb can call up the information she needs from the spirit of the person or situation she is reading. She says that one's spirit has no boundaries and everything it wants to share is available. Starting with a person's current situation and their reason for this life, she then explores how past lives are impacting their current life, relationships, work and finances. On a higher level, Barb addresses a person's life path and strengths to clear energy congestion and spiritual blockages.

On her show, Metaphysics: A View Through The Veil, Barb visits with others who are able to communicate through the veil and explores the similarities and differences of what we all can experience.

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