Shannon Forsythe

Shannon Forsythe

Shannon Forsythe is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Run 2 Rescue. She and her husband, Bartley, co-founded Run 2 Rescue to reach, rescue and restore victims of sex trafficking. After attending Liberty University, Shannon began her ministry work as director of a theatrical outreach called Fashioned Forward and later went on to become general manger of Far Reaching Ministries traveling to Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda and Sudan. She did crisis management for the missionaries in the field as well as working with women whose children had been kidnapped by the LRA. She helped develop income-generating projects for the women who had been impoverished by war. During this time she started to familiarize herself with the problem of sex trafficking. Missionaries in Kenya began seeing girls from their church being lured into trafficking with the promise of work. Through her research Shannon was shocked at how big the problem was here in the US.