Archangel Gabriel and Archeia Hope
Archangel Gabriel with his divine compliment Archeia Hope, representatives of the fourth ray, embody divine purity on all levels. Together, they guide the initiate on the path of enlightenment to strengthen their alignment with Spirit through the reinforcement of the power of love within the heart. As a result constant communication with the higher realms is created for the benefit of one’s individual ascensions process as well as the global ascension of humanity as a whole. The heat and intensity of the love that is forming and growing in your heart will be the driving force that keeps you going when everything around starts to fall away. It is what gives you the strength to release all unwanted influences and give birth to your divine existence here on earth. Archangel Gabriel and Archeia Hope remind you that you are the living portal that brings Heaven to Earth if you so choose. This makes you an active instrument of illumination for all. Inspired artwork by Eva Sullivan