Paul Morehead

Paul Morehead

Paul Morehead is a lifelong lover of storytelling. He has worked in animation, freelance illustration, as a concept artist and teacher of animation, and sequential art.
He now runs Morehead Media, a company to inspire, entertain, and uplift through cartooning. He has a BA in media arts & communication, an animation degree, and he is now getting his MFA in comics from California College of the Arts. He’s fond of mythology and comics that explore what it means to be a healthy, happy human being.
He is currently writing and drawing a story series called The Free Radicals. A speculative-fiction fantasy comic about his spiritual upbringing in rural Midwestern America. He also teaches visual storytelling, and is currently writing a blog about being a conscious creative.
His goal with comics is to create stories that uplift, inspire or educate others by creating uplifting, empowering, educational contents.