Tinna C Nielsen
Tinna C. Nielsen, an anthropologist and social entrepreneur, passionate about designing societies, organizations, cultures, and behavior to be inclusive, is the Founder of Move The Elephant For Inclusiveness www.movetheelephant.org and Co-Founder of Inclusion Nudges Global Community of Sharing www.inclusion-nudges.org. She is an internationally recognised specialist in inclusion and diversity, and designing behavioural and cultural change. The World Economic Forum selected Tinna as a Young Global Leader in 2015, to be a part of a community defining solutions on global challenges for the next 6 years. She is also the co-chair of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council for Behavioural Science. Together with business partner Lisa Kepinski, the inclusion nudges approach was named ‘Top 10 Diversity consultants’ by the Global Diversity List supported by the Economist. Tinna is a fellow at the Royal Society of Arts and works as a volunteer for the UN Global Compact and UN Women.