Ben Kaplan

Ben Kaplan

Ben is the Founder and CEO of and has conducted PR and publicity campaigns for the world's largest consumer, financial, and education brands. He has obtained media coverage for his clients on more than 5,000 media outlets and has personally appeared on over 2,000 TV and radio programs, including interviews on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Nightline, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox News, NPR, and the BBC. Ben has written columns for leading global publications such as The New York Times, TIME, and U.S. News & World Report. Ben also served as the official pitch trainer for hundreds of start-up companies in the Start-Up Chile global accelerator. Known as "America's Scholarship Coach," his book, 'How to Go to College Almost for Free' is the best-selling scholarship book in the world with one million readers worldwide.