Dr. Joseph  Crumbley

Dr. Joseph Crumbley

Dr. Crumbley received his masters and doctorate in social work from the University of Pennsylvania. He is in private practice as a family therapist, trainer and consultant. His clinical experience includes adoption, foster care, chemical dependency, couples therapy, physical and sexual abuse. His most recent areas of specialization have been kinship care and transracial adoption
Dr. Crumbley has co-authored a book with Robert Little entitled Relatives Raising Children : An Overview of Kinship Care. His second book is entitled Transracial Adoptions and Foster Care. He has also produced a series of training tapes for parents and professional on transracial adoptions and kinship care and has an online kinship care training produced by Northwest Media Inc.
Dr. Crumbley received the Child Welfare League’s Excellence in Kinship Care Practice Award in 2007 and Pioneer Award in 2014. He was also a former board president of (NACAC) the North American Council on Adoptable Children.