Radio Episodes
8/8/2017 remote-control-vehicles-not-just-for-kids-anymore

Remote-Control Vehicles: Not Just for Kids Anymore!

The Future of Mobility and Manufacturing with Game Changers, Presented by SAP
The buzz: “Starsky Robotics emerged from a year and a half in stealth to unveil its end-to-end driverless trucking technology. A few days earlier, Embark did the same” ( Listen Now

9/13/2016 best-practices-for-automotive-accelerating-business-in-the-digital-age

Best Practices for Automotive: Accelerating Business in the Digital Age

The Future of Mobility and Manufacturing with Game Changers, Presented by SAP
The buzz: 'I had to stop driving my car for a while…the tires got dizzy' -Stephen Wright. What can attendees expect at the 2nd Annual Best Practices for Automotive Conference -Oct. 17-19, 2016, Detroit-? Experts will explore trends and capabilities creating end-to-end transformational opportunities from an automotive customer’s point of view. Listen Now