Radio Episodes
Internet of Things with Game Changers, Presented by SAP
The buzz: “CEOs are looking ahead to their post-Covid challenges. Nowhere is this challenge more daunting than figuring out if the global pandemic and its far-reaching impacts have created a temporary shock to their markets or a permanent shift in them. Listen Now
Technology Revolution: The Future of Now
The Buzz #1: Mr. Spaceley: “Where's Jetson, and why is the plant shut down?” Rudy 2: “It's the middle of the night, sir.” Mr. Spaceley: “Machines don't sleep. Start it up! Every second lost means money lost. Listen Now
Internet of Things with Game Changers, Presented by SAP
The buzz: “The term Experience Economy was first used in a 1998 article by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore, describing the economy after the agrarian economy, industrial economy, and most recent service economy. Listen Now
Technology Revolution: The Future of Now
The buzz: The future is not what it used to be Laura Riding and Robert Graves, 1937. Good news! If your number 1 business wish this holiday season is knowing what 2019 holds for your company, your industry and the world, we’ve got the next best thing. Listen Now
Changing the Game with Intelligent Technologies, Presented by SAP
The buzz: “In coming years, the most intelligent organizations will need to blend technology-enabled insights with a sophisticated understanding of human judgment, reasoning, and choice” ( Listen Now