Arhtur Samuel Joseph

Arhtur Samuel Joseph

Arthur Samuel Joseph M.A., is the founder and chairman of the Vocal Awareness Institute. He is widely acknowledged as one of the world's leading communication strategists and authorities on the power of the human voice, and has made it his life goal to Change the World through Voice. As a former faculty member at the University of Southern California, Mr. Joseph has made appearances at Yale, George Washington, NYU, and many other highly recognized institutions to speak about his life’s work. With over 5 decades of teaching experience worldwide, Mr. Joseph is recognized for training world famous actors like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Angelina Jolie, singers, political leaders, broadcasters, fortune 500 CEO's, hall of fame athletes and thought leaders including Tony Robbins and Steven Covey. His lifelong dedication to his mission, “To change the world through Voice” imbues his work with a vital sense of urgency in a global community increasingly dependent upon loving communication.