Lorde Astor West

Lorde Astor West

People who know Astor say she has ideas like other people breathe. The difference - she executes. Astor is a pioneer of the modern web with nearly 20 years experience developing best in class digital technologies from the ground up to drive growth and profit. She believes in letting the end goal guide the effort; drive smart purposeful growth; do the right things the right way; and do great work. Since 2003, Astor has continuously led her company as CEO and lead technology architect in developing hundreds of solutions for companies across of universe of markets from healthcare to eCommerce. Astor is an autodidact (self-taught) who started her first technology firm after teaching herself to program. She is a "strategist operator" who is adept in building scalable digital 360 solutions that align with strategy, discovering natural human processes and designing cultures that focus on translating what an individual does best.