Cyndi Carnaghi-Collins

Cyndi Carnaghi-Collins

Cyndi Carnaghi-Collins, LCSW is an AntiRacist consultant trainer, and community organizer. Cyndi works within communities and institutions ensuring that organizations serving populations of color are prepared to provide transformative and racially attuned clinical, programmatic and administrative services. Cyndi is a core trainer with the the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond, a multi-racial, anti-racist organization that promotes organizing for social change by leading “Undoing Racism”™ workshops domestically and internationally. Rooted in the principles and analysis she has learned during her relationship with The People’s Institute, She has dedicated her life to community organizing for race equity. In addition to her work with The People’s institute, Cyndi is an expert in treating individuals who have experienced trauma and abuse. Cyndi holds an MSW from New York University and a Post Graduate certification in Advanced Trauma studies from Adelphi University.