Charlie Boyle

Charlie Boyle

Charlie Boyle is a Customer Experience Consultant, transforming businesses through customer service excellence for the experience economy. Charlie is founder and CEO of Customer Service Excellence Ireland (CSEI). CESI has been offering a fresh approach to service excellence heretofore in Ireland and the UK for almost a decade, but given the digital disruption that Covid Change has imposed, CSEI is adapting, growing and scaling accordingly. CSEI trades in Customer Service Evaluation and Training, creating clear measurement of standards, identifying performance gaps and solutions as well as increasing sales through management and staff, training and development. This concept is workable across many industries with the aim of Service Excellence. Charlie Boyle has encountered and surmounted many trip hazards in his own personal and professional life that have informed a whole new way of life, a philosophy of Disrupt or Be Disrupted, Innovate or Die. Charlie talks about the value of daily exercise as prevention and cure for everything from depression to weight loss. Benefiting from the neuro pharmacology of self-generated forward movement in the beautiful outdoors, whatever the weather, Charlie’s wellness is a daily investment in self-care that continues to negate a need for pills or potions. So efficacious is his morning walk in maintaining his good mood, sobriety, wellness and balance that he regularly blogs about its merits. Walking births his most industrious thinking.