Suzanne Lea

Suzanne Lea

Suzanne Lea is a Commercial Real Estate Agent with Hiltz Commercial Group who specializes in finding unique investment projects for her clients that involve Mixed-Use and Owner-Occupied beautification. Inspired by extensive travel to 40 countries early in her career, she creates opportunities involving the purchase of property, demolition of existing outdated buildings, and the construction of attractive, progressive retail/home/work spaces that build community engagement, generate significant income, and enhance the City. After the death of her husband Bryan in 2008, Suzanne formed the nationally acclaimed non-profit organization, In12Days to help children who had lost a parent cope with the spiritual, emotional, financial, and physical devastation. Ingeniously disguised as a series of gifts related to the song “The 12 Days of Christmas,” Suzanne and thousands of her volunteers and employees provided families with education, housing, and everyday necessities that appeared at recipients’ homes as joyful surprises instead of charitable goods. Her work earned her numerous accolades and awards, including a nomination by the House of Representatives for the Congressional Medal of Honor.