Jessica Falcon

Jessica Falcon

A former lawyer turned mystic, Jessica Falcon is a Divine Feminine Activator & International Soul Embodiment Guide. She guides her clients to reclaim their sovereignty and revolutionize their relationships so they experience ecstatic freedom. Over 3,500 years ago, women were sovereign and free. They knew the holiness of their bodies, the sacredness of their sexuality, and the power of their voice. Yet, a massive shift took place, and women were no longer allowed to exist for themselves. A split occurred between man and woman, matter and spirit, body and soul. This created relationships based on need, lack, and unequal power dynamics. Women were taught that love comes at the expense of Self, when in truth love overflows from the Self. Jessica is devoted to helping women and men around the world reclaim their sovereignty so we create a new paradigm of relationships rooted in choice, desire, and freedom. It is a return to union by activating the power of our hearts. You can join her monthly Temple of Divine Union for only $ 13 and learn more about Jessica’s 1:1 & Group Offerings at