Damon Silas

Damon Silas

Dr. Damon Silas is a clinical psychologist, published author (From Mourning To Knight: Overcoming Loss, and What’s Your ACTION Plan? 6 Powerful Ways To Get Unstuck In Your Life Now,), speaker and teacher. In his over 20 years in the field of psychology, he has worked with a wide range of populations and issues including but not limited to anxiety, grief and loss, and trauma. He is currently a Military and Family Life Counselor (MFLC) helping service members and their children overseas adjust to and thrive within the military lifestyle.  He is also, along with Alyson Stoner, the co-developer and co-facilitator of Movement Genius, the holistic fitness program that reconnects mind-body-being through creativity. He is one of the co-founders of Black Tappers United, a collective of Black EFT Tapping practitioners whose goal it is to bring tapping to the black community in a safe, affordable and effective way  https://damonsilaspsychology.com docdsilas@gmail.com From Mourning To Knight: Overcoming Loss https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07949YRGS?ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_rSgqzbJEWMN1C&tag=kpembed-20&linkCode=kpe What’s Your ACTION Plan? 6 Powerful Ways To Get Unstuck In Your Life Now http://books2read.com/u/mZ5qjR