Juan Mullerat

Juan Mullerat

Juan Mullerat is the founding principal of Plusurbia design. Mullerat was educated as an architect in the UK and traveled extensively through cities in Europe, where his passion for city planning began. He completed his studies in the US, receiving dual Masters in Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Miami. He has continued his passion for inquiry as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Miami and has lectured at other universities including Harvard, UPC, and Barcelona on resiliency, urban revitalization, city health, transportation planning, equity and place-making. Mullerat has authored projects on five continents, from city-wide parks to master plans. Among them, the 2019 Livable Cities Award and the Little Havana Revitalization Plan, in collaboration with the National Trust, the Wynwood Master Plan, recipient of the APA’s 2017 National Economic Planning Award and Songhua Lake, recipient of the 2013 Chinese Kingpan Award. In 2013, Mullerat was honored as the urban designer of the year from AIA Miami. Mullerat serves on several international boards and committees that deal with liveability and the built environment, including as the past chair of the American Planning Association’s Florida Gold Coast Section.