Kathyrn  Regganie

Kathyrn Regganie

Kathryn was a corporate professional for over 15 years. During that time she worked for many large companies serving as a liaison between the techie innovators and the not-so-techie sales folks. She has been bridging the worlds of meaning and analytics for a long time! Now she bridges even further using energy healing and intuitive intelligence to support bad-ass professional women to find ways to soften into unbreakable resilience while maintaining their strengths and success. After she left her corporate career and started understanding the world of energy healing, she realized the importance of being an embodied leader. Because women who are connected with themselves lead from compassion. Compassion creates cohesiveness in their environment. Now she focuses her work to empowering and lifting resilient Women. When we resilient Women learn to connect with self, we can collectively shift our leadership culture back towards compassion.