Susan  Partovi MD

Susan Partovi MD

Dr. Susan Partovi has dedicated her career to helping underserved communities. After completing medical school at Thomas Jefferson University, she returned home to Los Angeles to train at a county hospital, Harbor UCLA, in family medicine. She began working at the Venice Family Clinic where she helped create the first street medicine team, and at Homeless Health Care L.A., where she now serves as their Medical Director. Additionally, she works for the L.A. County Department of Health Services, where she worked in the L.A. County jail system and started the first street medicine team in Skid Row. Dr. Partovi also started the Health Care Advocacy Group for medical students at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and was taking third-year medical students on annual trips to Haiti before the pandemic began and kidnapping gangs became rampant in the country. She co-founded H.E.A.L. (Health Care, Empowerment, Advocacy and Learning) which supports her projects in Haiti. Dr. Partovi has solidified her position as a leading expert in homeless and street medicine, and continues to treat patients and educate future doctors around the country.