Ananta Ripa Ajmera

Ananta Ripa Ajmera

Ananta Ripa Ajmera deeply studied Ayurveda, Yoga and Vedanta spiritual philosophy for 14 years in oral lineage-based traditions stemming back to ancient India. Through her spiritual studies, she recreated herself, first and foremost. In deep gratitude for the transformations she underwent, she wrote 2 books (The Way of the Goddess and The Ayurveda Way), created an online community, a Spiritual Warrior Program, Wellness Ambassador Program, an organization called The Ancient Way, and a publishing imprint called SoulWisdom Press & PR. Writing and speaking are her primary ways of creating. Now her body is an integral component of her creativity, through her training in and practice of Yoga, classical Indian dance and Taekwondo. A surprising new aspect of her creativity emerged during the pandemic, of creating nearly 200 plant-based Ayurvedic recipes and truly enjoying every aspect of food photography! More: