Charlynne Boddie
Charlynne Boddie is an ordained minister and author who is a life and mindset coach. She has been a Hollywood film critic and a White House Lead Press Officer who has worked on several of America’s largest disasters. Charlynne enjoys speaking and teaching about how to find your purpose and vision and how to hear God’s voice as a lifestyle. Her work crosses the barriers of color, religion, nationality and socio-economic backgrounds and always seeks to encourage others to consider the dreams that lie within them that have yet to be fulfilled. She grew up in an arts-driven, single parent home, where her mother taught her and her sister to always reach high for their Hollywood dreams. Charlynne has an honors degree in TV, film and journalism from Oral Roberts University and has written two books: True Grid for purpose and vision seekers and No Appointments Necessary for those who love reading about incredible, inspiring global adventures. Her website is: www.Charlynne.com