A Gift from the Heart: The Gentle Art of Caring for a Loved One

December 14, 2017
Hosted by Dr. Merle Griff

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Episode Description

Being a caregiver to a loved one is a difficult task. Whether you become a full-time caregiver gradually or suddenly find yourself in that role, chances are that at some point you feel overwhelmed, under-prepared, and unequipped to handle situations that can and do arise. Many emotions surface when you are caring for a loved one day in and day out. While some of these emotions will almost certainly be negative, there are many positive feelings and tender moments that come out of being there and providing care for a loved one. Join Dr. Merle on Caught Between Generations as she celebrates those who often put their own lives on hold to care for spouses, parents, siblings, children, and other loved ones. Hear the stories of three members of Dr. Merle’s local community as they share their experiences and insights on caregiving.

Caught Between Generations

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Please note that the time of our show has changed to 12 Noon Pacific Time/3 PM Eastern Time

More than 40 percent of people in their 40s and 50s have at least one living parent, and a child under the age of 21 for whom they are providing care and assistance. Most likely there is also a job, a house to run, groceries to buy and meals to get on the table. How can you cope with the massive demand on your time for love, attention, and decision-making skills?

We know it’s not easy but Caught Between Generations is here to help. We talk all things multi-generational, and provide practical tips you can use right now and in the long term to make your life less stressful.

Our program is a one-stop shop for information and resources for caregivers of multiple generations. If you are caring for children, grandchildren, spouse and/or parents, you do not have the time or the energy to search for all of the information that you need. Caught Between Generations will help you feel more peaceful, more organized and more informed with expert interviews with those in the know.

Dr. Merle Griff

Merle Griff, PhD is an expert on caring for both children and aging parents. She has been an invited speaker at international and national conferences such as the World Congress on Family and Play Therapy. Dr. Griff has written extensively on intergenerational dynamics, including her book LinkAges, as well as numerous book chapters and articles on topics such as The Influence of Grandparents in Family Systems, and developed therapeutic techniques for use with multi-generational families.

Dr. Griff is the founder and CEO of SarahCare Senior Solutions (http://sarahcare.com). SarahCare provides creative solutions for seniors that helps them to remain in their home and with their families. Prior to founding SarahCare, Dr. Griff was a therapist in community mental health centers working with children and their families and extended families.

Dr. Griff is a wife, mother and grandmother. She took her mother into her own home to care for her following a very dense stroke, and is passionate about providing help for others in similar situations.

Episode Directory

December 2017

  • 12/27/2017: Encore: The Courage to be Extraordinary Listen Now test
  • 12/21/2017: Encore: When Words Hurt: Recovering from the Trauma of Control and Abuse Listen Now test
  • 12/14/2017: A Gift from the Heart: The Gentle Art of Caring for a Loved One Listen Now test
  • 12/7/2017: Grandparents to the Rescue: Raising a Second Generation of Children Listen Now test

November 2017

October 2017

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