Encore: Ride to Recovery

July 20, 2016
Hosted by Karen Leavitt

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Guest Information

Episode Description

My featured guest this week is Ryan DeRoche. Since Ryan's first time being on a bike he has known that's where he belongs. It wasn't until his late teens that he realized that getting people to feel that same belonging was his passion. Ryan had a very successful career in an industry he loved cycling. One day after work that all changed in the blink of an eye, an accident while riding was life changing. We learn about his journey, what he experienced and how his love for being outdoors and cycling served to inspire him. It took him nearly 4 years after his injury to get back into the woods, though being pulled and pushed by his friends in a manual chair, he felt as though he was back where he belonged. Now nearly a year later he has a bike that is adapted to him and allows him to get back to mountain biking. Ryan is a Dedicated mentor to others with spinal cord injuries. Advocate for disability rights. Advocate for Shared trail use in State and National parks.

The Sky’s the Limit

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

The Sky’s the Limit is a motivating, inspirational program which is based on my journey from medical professional to patient, highlighting people from all walks of life and various stages of overcoming adversity, their challenges and awakening to the rediscovery of themselves, a transformation. I engage with a number of successful life coaches, authors, athletes and everyday people who discuss their journey and process as well as exploring the concepts of Eastern and Western medicine. We are all learning life’s lessons every day and living in the moment, no matter where we are in our journey.

Karen Leavitt

Karen Leavitt is a restorative coach. With her background as an accomplished career nurse, and a survivor of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Karen has a unique perspective on how to navigate life-changing events. Utilizing her skills in health and wellness, public speaking, advocacy and teambuilding, she guides others to achieve healthy, balanced, successful lives, regardless of their circumstances.

Karen is happy to be returning to VoiceAmerica after a life changing event resulted in a traumatic brain injury post-concussion syndrome. Now, Karen has a dynamic purpose and passion that is igniting her to guide others. A former successful career nurse, advocate, “natural care giver,” and athlete, Karen brings positivity and resilience grounded in reality through her own journey and experiences. Her mission is to educate, empower and inspire others to live their truth and passion as she engages in heartfelt, meaningful conversations around life’s situations, and circumstances. #thegiftistheshift

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