How To Eat Right And Make Your Self-Care A Priority In The Real World with The Green Smoothie Girl, The Fitglobetrotter, and Be Well Connections’ Jamie Relei

June 11, 2014
Hosted by Jamie Relei

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She’s been traveling the country on her 87-city 2014 tour sharing her high vibration message of “How to Eat Right in the Real World” and on June 11th at 11am Robyn Openshaw – known as the infamous Green Smoothie Girl - brings the love to listeners of Be Well Bites. Join The Green Smoothie Girl, author of 14 cookbooks including the bestseller,“The Green Smoothies Diet,” as she and Be Well Bites Host Jamie Relei dish out the secrets to wellness that Openshaw offers up in her course 12 Steps to Whole Foods and her latest book “How To Eat Right In The Real World”. Come hungry to be nourished in body, heart, and soul with recipes and meditations The Green Smoothie Girl created as a labor of love for those individuals who are open to making their wellness and self-care a priority. Also, as an additional “Be Well Bite” before breaking for summer, the Fitglobetrotter, Dena Roche, will be joining the show in between her world travels as she shares her Travel Diet ™. Prepare to be inspired and explore how to enjoy travel with a healthy twist. Tune in to find out how to gain a fulfilling travel experience without gaining a pound and bring that peaceful travel self back home as a souvenir. We hope you will join us for Be Well Bites Radio this Be Well Wednesday at 11am PST on the Voice America Health & Wellness Network. Until then…Be Well!

Be Well Bites: Nourish Your Body, Heart and Soul

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Be Well Bites is an integrative platform to connect you to wellness through a supportive community of experts in areas that contribute to your overall health and well-being. Enjoy being inspired as we learn together what your bio-individuality calls for to be well. Is your life out of balance? Do you go through your day feeling sluggish? Are you constantly craving sugar? When was the last time you sat down to eat a home cooked meal with someone you care about and without distractions? Has stress at work or at home affected other areas of your life? Have processed foods overtaken your diet? Does the thought “am I living to my full potential?” ever cross your mind? Welcome to your Be Well program. My intention is to provide you with tools and resources that if utilized will assist you to live a nourishing and fulfilling life. Could connecting with us as an active participant on Be Well Bites change your life? Join us to find out.

Jamie Relei

Jamie Relei is an enthusiastic Lifestyle & Wellness Coach who loves to connect with individuals and be part of their journey to be well and live a fulfilling life. Highly qualified, with an education from UCLA and BYU, she also studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, the world’s largest nutrition school, and holds a B.S. in Fitness and Wellness Management. While working on her upcoming book, Jamie has been able to create a holistic package that includes whole foods and soul foods. Whole foods are foods that are kept in their true and pure form that have not been processed or refined and are free from additives or other artificial substances. Soul foods are the elements in our lives that nourish us in body, mind, and spirit; namely fulfilling relationships, careers, physical activity, and spirituality. Jamie partners with individuals to make their wellness a priority and coaches them through the process of finding their own unique balance, resulting in a dramatic improvement in overall wellness for many.

Jamie conducts sessions both telephonically and in person, with Be Well Groups of like minded people, and corporate wellness workshops. Her Be Well Program consists of twelve sessions followed by regular follow up and monitoring of progress. Jamie and her team of handpicked wellness professionals, all experts in their fields, synergize together using an integrative approach to co-create a wellness program designed especially for each individual.

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Episode Directory

June 2014

  • 6/11/2014: How To Eat Right And Make Your Self-Care A Priority In The Real World with The Green Smoothie Girl, The Fitglobetrotter, and Be Well Connections’ Jamie Relei Listen Now test
  • 6/4/2014: Health is Wealth – Make a Delicious Investment in You with Andrea Beaman Listen Now test

May 2014

April 2014

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