Food & Diet Culture!! Throwing Away the Scale!!!

January 10, 2020
Hosted by Kelly Backert

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Episode Description

Its the Season of Dieting, Cleansing, Resolutions, Losing weight, 30lbs in 30days, Whole 30, Keto, Plant based diets, WW, macro counting, intermittent fasters,and the list goes on and on. Lets talk about why you should not go back on a yo-yo or restrictive diet this year. Lets talk about what is really going on, how diets are distractions, how you don't like cupcakes or pizza more then normal people, why its not wrong that you LOVE these foods. We live in a diet obsessed culture that continues to teach us that we are NOT Enough. This show will be about a different way, intuitive eating, kids & food, throwing away the scale, your purpose, and does thinness really equal happiness?!

Already Enough

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

Already Enough discusses topics such as body, food, self-care, letting-go and realizing there is a different approach to take to become the best version of yourself. We discuss topics of health, wellness, meditation, weight loss, dieting and more. This show is not another diet plan or a three-step program to losing ten pounds. It’s about really living the life you want and becoming the best version of yourself by realizing you already have everything you need to do that. Nothing on the outside of you will ultimately fix how you feel on the inside.

Kelly Backert

Real Change requires a desire to change! When you have the right motivation and tools you can show up fully for life!

Kelly is the Owner of Kore Bootcamps in Bel Air, Maryland. She has owned Bootcamps By Kelly in Harford county for many years. She is the winner of Harford’s Best Personal Trainer! She enjoys working with people in helping them to develop the tools to live a healthy and great life! Helping people understand their relationship with themselves, food, and exercise is what she feels called to do. She believes that the scale is not an accurate measure of someone's self-worth. Life is not about living some controlled and perfect way. It’s about progress and showing up fully for the things that are important to us. As a Health and Life coach, as well as a personal trainer, she specializes in lifestyle change, living a better and healthier life and helping people to change their relationships with food.

Kelly does one-on-one coaching sessions, workshops, classes, and motivational speaking to help people realize that they no longer have to look outside themselves to find what they are looking for, and in fact, that they are “Already Enough.”

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