Ep. 26 Charting Your Cycle to Empower Your Hormone Health with Melissa Buchan

October 21, 2020
Hosted by Sophie Shepherd

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Do you know what's happening with your hormones each week of your cycle? Would it surprise you to know that your hormones are VERY different throughout the month and that there are scientific and non hormonal ways to chart your cycle so you can get necessary intel on what's going on in your own body!? Cycle Charting is a foundational practice for: 1. Natural birth control (goodbye synthetic hormones!) 2. Women's health monitoring and assessment 3. Infertility evaluation--get to the root cause. In this episode, Melissa Buchan and I talk ALL things cycle charting and how to use it as a daily empowerment practice that allows you to tune into your reproductive health, to understand what your shifting moods and energy is about, and how this is the first step in creating a diagnostic tool that can allow you to partner with your healthcare team when something goes awry with your period/fertility.

SHE Talks Health

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

SHE Talks Health is for women interested in wellness and, more specifically, in women’s health. We aim to finally give you clarity around the widespread health issues plaguing women today, from the rise in infertility to epidemically high numbers of chronic illness like endometriosis and Hashimoto’s to the intricates of the female libido, hormonal fluctuations, the birth control pill and regaining optimal mental health for women.

SHE Talks Health helps women reclaim their health through learning practical nutrition and holistic lifestyle changes. The show also empowers women by educating and exposing them to foremost leaders and experts in the world of Functional Medicine so they can finally have straightforward answers to their most mystifying symptoms and confidence to do the right things for their health.

Sophie Shepherd

Sophie Shepherd is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, FDN-P, who just 7 years ago was desperately struggling to figure out why she felt so awful. At age 23, she had IBS, she had gained thirty pounds, her hair started to fall out, she was completely exhausted, her sleep was erratic and her depression was at an all-time high. She lost her libido, had a painful ovarian cyst burst and was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. She lived in fear, pain and anxiety with no one to help her figure out what was wrong with her body.

She decided to take things into her own hands by hiring a functional medicine practitioner who taught her how to heal her digestion, eat to support her hormones and manage stress. After a couple weeks, she was thinking clearer, sleeping soundly, and feeling her energy return. Her digestion was no longer a daily worry and the weight started to fall off.

Her holistic journey back to optimal health inspired her to go back to school at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. Now, with years of experience in women's hormone health, Sophie helps women around the globe transform their menstrual and digestive health through nutrition, holistic lifestyle changes and root cause testing so they can finally have straightforward answers to their most mystifying symptoms. Sophie’s mission is to educate and empower women so they can reclaim their hormones and get their life back!

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Episode Directory

October 2020

  • 10/21/2020: Ep. 26 Charting Your Cycle to Empower Your Hormone Health with Melissa Buchan Listen Now test
  • 10/7/2020: Ep. 25 The “silent” epidemic: how wheat sensitivity falls through the cracks with Whitney Morgan Listen Now test
  • 10/2/2020: Ep. 24 What is Holding You Back from the Sex You Desire with Alicia Pinkston Listen Now test

September 2020

August 2020

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